Thursday, September 10, 2009

Well. I had to force myself down into writing something here. I need to get back in the habit. I know.

Well, reading my last post I felt a bit awkward, to say the truth. I was way to excited (and forgot to spell this right on the last post) to post. Here goes the bunch of it.

Well, I'm still a vegetarian and that doesn't seem to be going to change for a long while. It started off as a spontaneous project, to help myself get a bit of hang on things and so on, self reliance and cleaning my body. Well, I was a bit repelled by meat too. I mean, after eating meat on "a bit above" average I could not stand the thought of it for a week. This feeling has developed and now I feel sick by the thought of eating meat again some day. I still eat fish, and that too is becoming sickening. C'mon, fish is tasty and all but it has the texture of snake meat. And no, don't ask how I know. I wish I could erase that picture from my mind.

So, on that area it is going pretty well. I try to balance myself on B12 and iron from time to time. If I haven't got a lot of resources on iron and B12, I take a pill of both every few days. Just to keep the oxygen where it should be.

What else?
Well. The biggest of all misfortunes happened a week and half ago. I actually started writing. I got all these ideas flowing into my mind and great weeks of inspiration. I updated and changed and upgraded ideas and I just felt it was the big boom of flowing infinite intelligence I was imploring to arrive. I was half-way on a script, two more already started. A book in Hebrew started as a base to one of my scripts. All my ideas written down and my plans on paper. Now, here comes this friend one day. He asks me if he could use the laptop to charge his iPod. I agreed and was back asleep. He used the laptop and put it back in place afterward. Now. At some point in the middle of these adventures of him through the iTunes library a message popped out asking him to download the latest version of iTunes. He must have thought that it would make things better. This was a heavily hacked version of Mac OS X to fit this non- Apple laptop, so it doesn't make things better. The computer won't boot.

All, and I repeat - ALL my work lost. I couldn't retrieve a single file. Mac OS X is so damn secure that it doesn't allow me to move my files around if I boot the laptop through Ubuntu. Thanks for the security Apple! It cost me potentially hundreds of thousand of dollars if not millions. You're lucky that it's only a potential.

Yes. I was mad. And felt so desperate and miserable and helpless. So I went and bought two more flash drives. And I'll learn to backup all my material from now on. Lesson learned? Absolutely.

So I'm back to Windows and my adventures with Mac OS X are done, until this laptop dies and I get (hopefully) a full Mac. Hope to write again before that happens.

Good night.


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