Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hey there. Well, nothing is really there to bother me writting about in a way you could see as artistic and/or professional. But I would like to summarize and argue a few things about this past week.

Let's start with the main thing: school.
School is slowly becoming my past, and as it happens I feel as if I'm not ready for it yet. I don't know really what would I be like after it's over. Since the bad feelings about school started (most stupid people say 12 years or from the first grade, they really don't know what they are talking about. We'll discuss this people a little bit more later on this post) probably at the age of 13 or 14, I started dreaming for the day I won't have to see those doors again. I dreamed about the day when I would be afraid nomore to receive letters home telling my mom that I "just missed a couple or more" (you count it) works, or even classes. As a matter of fact I really hoped this day would come, the sooner the better. And now I'm here waiting and counting my last days of high school and I can't do anything to stop it.

People always tell: "When it's over, you'll want it back" and now I understand all that. I understand why they say that and why its true. So this days are almost over, officialy June the 20th, but in two weeks I would be seeing the school less and less and concentrating more on preparing for exams. So this thing has started.

On to another subject.
The army and why not the university.

So my studies are almost over and the hour is approaching when I must decide whether to go to the army now and serve my three years as a soldier, or wait a bit and study meanwhile. After I get my degree (hopefully M.D or Medicinæ Doctor in plain language) I will have a chance to serve. But, well everything in life has a cost and all this bureaucracy happens to demand a price. As I'm still debating with myself this things about studying I find out that I'm supposed to pay an equivalent of 80-85 dollars just to get an appointment at the university. And I'm supposed to do the same thing at three different universities which means I'm paying something like 270 dollars for the whole thing. Add to it the pamyments for the psychometric lessons (also 270 dollars) and the payment for the test, which also is 80-85 dollars. Well, I end up paying loads of money for something I'm not sure off. I wonder if it couldn't be better to just go to the army, be a sniper or a paramedic or something and leave all this headache for some years. I must decide, as time is getting away easily. March 27th is my last day to send the payments and my details to the army, and as I think more of it I get to the conclusion they are going to get my denial. I can't pay so much for something I don't really want. Bah. The army.

So let's move on.
I was checking some links today and I found a account of a friend, a female friend. Since December 2006 she hasn't post anything there. And I looked at the last post.
"I met someone... He's really nice to me... I love him and we plan to get married in July" (in short, of course)
So I thought "Oh my God! I'm getting recruited in July" oops. Sorry... I thought "Oh my God, who plans to get married at 20?!?" and I couldn't believe my eyes. She told me about this thing she's planing to do. Get married. She also told me about the fact they are living together right now in a house with a dog, just like two happily married people. Of course, kids there aren't because they still are not married! Something's wrong, something is really wrong. But I tried, I tried to be gentle and give her a little bit of feedback.
She sees it as normal - "I must live with someone some time to know if I could get along with him for the rest of my life".
Cool, but the rest of your life is something like 80 years!
- "Well, in my family people don't live and get to see those ages. I'm very sick, I got this and that and those..."
Well, I don't think your health will like to have kids at this age. If it's true, I suppose your body can't hold pregnancy yet why not wait?
- "Well, in my family there had always been problems of getting pregnant so I must do it quick"
I don't see the problem. Just adopt some kids, there is no shortage of lonelly kids looking for love in this world. I myself will adopt.
- "It's not the same. I will adopt too, but I need to know what is it like"

This would be a good conversation but it never happens. Some of the arguments are true by the way, I told her that and she answered like that. What I don't like is that is all looks like a kastach meaning its a pretext. I try hard but I see it all as a pretext. There is something about her sister too, that makes me think everything she says is a pretext. I just get mad about it.
Sometimes people act like that. They make big stuff out of nothing and every little thing looks enormous. Why? I can say now it's the lack of attention they get, but I really can't think of it just that way. I don't like to judge adults, but it all has to do with the way people raise up their children. My mom never told me to get married quickly, as her mother did. I guess that's the answer. The way you raise your children. What makes me feel bad about it is that she will eventually get married and I bet it will be this summer. She'll be happy about it, dressed in white on a horse or some other dream of her. Everything will look so perfect and good. But I am too good if I say it will hold 2 years. There is no base to that relationship, there is no base to that family in potential and there is no wisdom. She's a good believer and I guess she does her decisions according to the Will of God, but she's just a little girl with some dreams. And I'm not lying. He is a nice guy, I see he'll get to do big things. But his time has not yet come. None of them have started learning anything and to hold a family is not an easy issue economically. I just think there should be some thinking on this, it is too fast. Too quickly and I don't see the good end of it. Maybe I'm wrong, but I prefer to be careful. Just that.

So here goes my post on how this world moves. Of course, from my point of view in this part of the earth.
Good night.


Blogger Unknown said...

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Monday, March 19, 2007 11:48:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ani maskima itcha legamre! lehitchaten begil 20! vebichlal lichjot bejachad kmo nesuim kvar lifne hachatuna. Keilu ma kvar ihie chadash achare hachatuna. Beemet lama lemaher. Adif beemet sheze ihie mashu lekol hachaim velo mashu shejachzik pachot mishnataim. Vejeladim begil 20! waiwai meanjen eich hi tistader. Uuf... joter midai anashim lo mekirim et Elohim vebiglal ze osim ma sheba lahem:(...
Behatslacha balimudim veinjanei hatsava. Ani betucha shehakol ihie tov ki Elohim itcha :).
Ani mitpalelet veitcha batelepatia;).
aaa veagav ani megia laarets beod 103 jamim ba26.6. Hazman over maher eze kef.


Monday, March 19, 2007 11:59:00 AM  

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