Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Let's start with a clear statement: I was fired from MDA. It happened when I called for the I-dunno-the-number time. It was all clear, I had failed the third test and what happens eventually is that there is no fourth chance. Bah, I was told to try to enter this coming year as a new volunteer. Now think, what will I say if someone asks me: "Are you new or veteran?", I will have to answer "A little bit of both...". I dunno, it really pisses me off for some reason. I was ok after all, all the theory is what caused such a mess in the last exam. Well. I won't give up.

I got though a date for my recruiting. 22 July, 2007. Such a wonderful time to be recruited. I still don't know if that truly means I will not be sent to a combat unit (which I would prefer), that's what I was told by somebody. If that's so, I will be very disapointed. I did the psychometric exam a week ago. It was somewhat easy, but I was too nervous to think at that moment. Hope for the best.

What else. Yes, the group's leader again (yes, for the third time) cancelled the BIG meeting we were supposed to have. Such a shame. Hopefully, we will be having it tomorrow at 6. I am too angry to talk quietly, this will turn out to be a rage meeting. Too much stuff I was keeping will have to burst out.

Me and Eli are improving in some way our stuff. We've been pushing it this last days, and hopefuly by tomorrow we'll have something like 5 songs all ready to shoot in the meeting. We must show that we are working, as it is the half-truth.
My skills in guitar are improving amazingly this days. I just need to find the strength to take it further. And yes, I need also the material to do so. I am also thinking all the time about all the things we are going to do in the future with Eli. She really wants us to make a demo together, but for that I will need some other machines and stuff I don't have. Our budget is tight, after the trip to England, and in order to buy everything we will need a thousand dollars or so. Bah. We'll see.

For the future. Well, I got to start a true diet to kill all this remainig kilos from England. I gotta be in shape for the next year as it is my last one and sport seems to be my failing circuit in school. Also, the army is waiting and I got to prove my best in order to get to 669, or even the Air Force. Life is hard, who ever told you it's so easy.
Besides, I got to find a job. This big investments keep killing me.

See ya later mate.


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